Saturday, July 18, 2020

How to write a Blog - Writing Style

There are some major differences between traditional writing to blog writing. When a journalist is writing for an editor, they must have all their facts in order. Or when an author is writing a book, they try to keep the book to a certain tone and style. They write professional and descriptive. I have always been very envious of authors who can take a story and create this amazing world out of it.

When it comes to a blog the possibilities are endless. You do not have to follow any type of format. Honestly, when you are writing a blog it can be personal opinions, thoughts, and feelings. You can write how you want and whenever you want usually. Most blog writers try to make their readers feel like they are writing just for them. That they can relate to whatever they are going through. Some people write about divorce, marriage, and raising kids. It is sometimes nice to read that someone else is having problems with their kids doing the same thing. I am currently wanting to write about special ed children. It might help people who do not know or understand what their resources are.

One of the neat things about a blog is that not all blogs are the same. Every writer is unique in their own way and work on honing their skills. Blog writing opens a whole new world of possibilities. For some they do not do as much writing as they do show how to’s. Or even taking pictures and placing them on their blog. There are even different links connected to blogs. It is a unique way of getting whatever you are passionate about out there for all to see.  

How to Create a Blog - Social Media

If you are a huge blogger than I hope you are taking advantage of social media! Social media and blogging go together like peas and carrots. By putting together your social media and blogs you are going to create a huge response! There are a few tips I will share with you that just may help you boost that blog and get more people to follow your accounts.

We all know that people love to use the share button. Whether it is a picture of a funny meme from the office or just a cute kitten people love to share. So, instead of trying to share your whole article. Why not just share some important quotes or give people useful points from your blog? By doing this you can entice them to want to read the full blog and get them to share it as well. Like I said people love to share on social media. Why not take full advantage of that.

Another tip is to know your audience. If you are a fashion blogger most likely your audience is not going to be some professor from Yale. Your followers will love to leave little comments on your blog about things that you share. Make sure you know what they are interested in and try to make some key points around them. This will not only boost your following but let those who are avid followers stay loyal. Facebook, Instagram, and twitter have fun little polls that you can share with your audience. These will help you get to understand your audience better and let them know you are interested in them.

One last little tip. Remember you are the brand of your own blog. Personal branding is such a huge key to your audience. They want to know you, see your likes and dislikes. Understand that if they trust in you, they will share you with others and you will just boost your blog even more than you already have!

Good luck with your social media platforms!

How To Blog - The history behind it all

It seems that everyone today is a blogger. From the young mom who is figuring out motherhood to the older man that blogs how to make birdhouses. Everyone seems to be doing it. The big question is though, how did blogs even begin and why are will still using them?

A man by the name of Justin Hall was creating a personal homepage while he was at college. It is believed that the link was Even though we call them blogs today they referred to these as personal homepages. Back in 1998 though Jonathan Dube blogged about hurricane Bonnie for the Charlotte Observer. This was a first ever blog for a traditional new site. 

It seems like after that blogs just started to shoot off into the great web! They have come along way since the very first one. It is so much easier now to where you simply can go to blogger and it shows you step by step on how to create the perfect platform for your blog.

Blogs have become such excellent resources not just for everyday people in society but for politics as well. It seems that they can reach anyone of any age and be useful. One of the amazing things about blogs are being able to make money from them. I know several ladies that write blogs for certain companies and make money by each blog they write. You can even make more money by advertisement agencies using your blog to advertise their product. So, it is basically a win win for the stay at home mom who is blogging.

If you have a passion for something and really want to share it with the world. Blogging may be just for you. It can reflect who you are by using your own style and personal opinions. Just be careful! You may become addicted to it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Let's talk about cancer

Hello Everyone,

I know that it has been awhile since I have posted anything lately. Probably a little over a year. It has been very hard the past year to sit down and really do anything. So unfortunately my blogging has taken a back seat. Between being a single mom, caretaker for my mother, working a full time job and also going back to school for my bachelor's degree it has been a wild and crazy ride. It definitely is not the path that I would have chosen, but God wants you to go where he chooses! This just goes to show that he knows what is best for us.

So I titled this with something that not everyone likes to talk about, Cancer. It is amazing how that one little word can put so much terror into so many lives. To be honest with you, my understanding of cancer was very little. I know there were all kinds of cancer, but I never really had it effect me or someone I loved. Around four years ago my family got news that we never thought we would hear. Our mother was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, WHAT???? How could the woman who gave birth to six children, who was always at the ball games, who never missed a day of life be diagnosed with cancer!

One of the things that my brothers and sisters admired about our mother was her fighting spirit. From the time that she was diagnosed with this cancer she looked straight at the Doctor and asked her what do I need to do to fight this. Between the surgeries where they cut her from stem to sternum, the chemo and everything in between she has remained positive. It seems like this cancer has never truly gotten her down.

Fast forward to the beginning of this year. This stupid cancer keeps wanting to stick around it does not want to go away. So what do we do, try and fight it. Needless to say auto-immuno therapy did not work and the cancer seemed to get a little worse. With all this our mother is not doing as well like we all had hoped. It seems that her appetite is nonexistent, she has no idea that she needs to be drinking water, because she is never thirsty. With a few overnights at the hospital being pumped with fluids and having to have a fluid pocket drained it has been a battle. The worse part of all is watching this full of life woman start to slowly fall apart. We haven't given up, but we need a whole lot of God, prayers and fight! I will keep everyone updated as I can. This journey is not yet over!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The problem with putting others first; you've taught them you come second

"When people make you feel unwanted, don't leave to make them feel sad or guilty, they won't. Leave because you no longer have a reason to stay. Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. What's meant to be will end up good and what's not - won't. Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can't be the only one fighting. At times, people need to fight for you. If they don't you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you and more than they deserve." Anonymous

Some of you may be reading this blog and saying ok well boo hoo! Your ex-husband was a bad guy who left you for another woman. It happens, life goes on and you move forward. I am not writing this to let people know the kind of person my ex was to make me look good or whatever you want to call it. This is something that I hope helps other people be able to see that they are not alone! I have never wanted to crawl in a hole and just be done in my life.

As mad as I am at my ex-husband and all the things he did to me. I should thank him. Thank him for letting me go, he was not worthy of the love, compassion, or even the time he was given. Sometimes you have to stop and tell yourself that maybe this was for the best. Maybe there is someone out there who is going to make feel love like you never have before. There is another person that I should thank as I am writing this thank you to my ex. The other woman! It does not feel right thanking him without her. If not for her, this marriage may have ended another way or just been a marriage between two unhappy people.

When the reality of what was going on hit me, I found a letter that a woman wrote to the other woman. I wish I could remember who wrote it, if I do I will share the link. One of the reasons I loved her letter was that in all this heartbreak and sadness, she found a way to say thank you. One of the most profound things I read that she wrote was "Thank you for giving me a chance at another first kiss" isn't that something! Maybe I should have turned to God sooner for all of this anger and frustration. Maybe I should have been brought to my knees in prayer, but the truth is I didn't.

I was angry with God for a long time. How could he let this happen to me. First my marriage ending, my mother being diagnosed with cancer? How could I give praise to someone who would let this happen? Asking the wrong questions and not praying. Then like a lightbulb it went off in me. LET GO AND LET GOD!

Monday, February 19, 2018

When It All Falls Down

When I was a little girl there has always been the preconception of how my life would be. Be married with two or three kids, a house. The whole nine yards right? Not so much. My marriage didn't start out the normal way and sure as heck did not end the normal way. One of the things I look back on was there were all the signs there pointing to disaster. Did I just choose not to see the writing on the walls? Who knows and maybe it was all in God's plan. God wants you to glorify him even in the midst of tragedy. Knowing that he will help you with the outcome of it all. My faith has been shaken and broken in a way that I never thought I would or could get back to him. Turning away from God instead of to him.

Have you ever gotten news that brought you to your knees. I mean knocks the air out of your lungs. Not being able to breath or speak. Eyes tearing up that makes the whole world look like a blur. That is exactly how I felt when I got the news of my then husbands infidelity. He was in the military at the time and had to go away for business. Thinking back now I can't even remember what it was for, all I know was that he was gone for a month and half. He missed Halloween that year with us, but he what was the difference he was always missing events or holidays due to his job. You just learn that is life with the military. I remember being so proud of him and all his accomplishments, when all along he was going behind my back. I got a text while I was at work from a number that I didn't recognize. It asked if I wanted to go to the first doctor appointment. At first I thought they were confused, then I text my husband and asked if he knew what it was about. Shortly after I received a text from my husband asking if I could take the rest of the day as a personal day.

I remember pulling into the drive and thinking this can't be true. It's some horrible joke someone is playing on me. Not my husband, not the person I have tried to help support with his career, multiple deployments, being by myself and raising our son. He was distraught pacing back and forth in the living room. When I looked at him I saw it in his eyes. There was no going back, then he told me the dreaded truth. He had cheated on me. Not just physical with one woman, no he also fell in love with another woman. Wasn't sure if our marriage was worth fighting for. My world was shattered and came crashing down around me. How was I to forgive? How was I to let go of what he did? Why would God let something like this happen to me? Then I got the phone call a few days later. My mother was diagnosed with stage three ovarian cancer. I told you bad things come in three's.

I want to hear from you guys. Have you ever had something happen to you that you didn't know how to handle? How you were going to come out of it?

Please see the link also for my mothers GoFundMe account! I will get into her cancer situation and what is going on with her later on!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A little about me!

Well I finally did it. I decided to start blogging about my life. Not sure if anyone will be interested but oh well here goes! My name is Lindsay Bertsch, my maiden name is Mason. I am a divorcee and single mom. Thankfully we only had one child together and I thank God everyday for my little boy! One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to share my story and my journey that I have set out on! There have been so many things that have hit me at once the past two to three years, It seems like my head is still spinning. So where do we go from here? Well I'll tell you.

Nine years ago I met and basically married my ex-husband. Why I say met and married you ask! Well we met and thought it was love at first sight, then twenty three days later we were married. He was finishing up all his basic training and getting orders when we met. So the orders came in that we were to be stationed in Germany. Right after our wedding he went to Germany first to get everything set up and get orders for me to follow. Military spouses know that nothing is for sure or planned in a way when it comes to this. He ended up getting deployed to Iraq right after he landed in Germany, and from there I learned that hurry up and wait was a motto I would be hearing for quite some time! Who knew!!

I think from the beginning God was trying to tell me something. Not sure what it was at that time I was blissfully happy with my new life. Seeing the world through rose colored glasses was great. Not seeing all the red flags or listening to my gut and head, but being lead by what I thought was my heart. Not realizing that once someone breaks that trust and your heart do you ever really get over it? Or does that gut wrenching feeling of wanting to be right, wanting to see the good in someone override all logic? Well in my case I was an idiot. Did not trust God or trust my instincts and that has all landed me to where I am today. Writing about what happened to me and hopefully reaching out to someone out there.
My whole world right here!