Nine years ago I met and basically married my ex-husband. Why I say met and married you ask! Well we met and thought it was love at first sight, then twenty three days later we were married. He was finishing up all his basic training and getting orders when we met. So the orders came in that we were to be stationed in Germany. Right after our wedding he went to Germany first to get everything set up and get orders for me to follow. Military spouses know that nothing is for sure or planned in a way when it comes to this. He ended up getting deployed to Iraq right after he landed in Germany, and from there I learned that hurry up and wait was a motto I would be hearing for quite some time! Who knew!!
I think from the beginning God was trying to tell me something. Not sure what it was at that time I was blissfully happy with my new life. Seeing the world through rose colored glasses was great. Not seeing all the red flags or listening to my gut and head, but being lead by what I thought was my heart. Not realizing that once someone breaks that trust and your heart do you ever really get over it? Or does that gut wrenching feeling of wanting to be right, wanting to see the good in someone override all logic? Well in my case I was an idiot. Did not trust God or trust my instincts and that has all landed me to where I am today. Writing about what happened to me and hopefully reaching out to someone out there.
My whole world right here! |